I was totally stoked when I discovered Target's amazing selection of cosmetics and beauty products! We all know that Target offers great prices, but I was especially pleased when I saw the variety of quality beauty products that they offer - from makeup to makeup brushes, removers, nail art decals, name brand nail polishes and more! My fave find was the e.l.f. line of cosmetics and beauty products. They offer makeup products brushes and applicators and ranging from $1-$3! Here are some items that I scooped up and would recommend:
Tinted Moisturizer:
I recently ran out of the SkinnyGirl tinted moisturizer I usually use and thought I'd give this one a try. There are lots of tinted moisturizers out there and some can be quite expensive. I'm not into spending the big bucks on basic cosmetics so I was pleased when I saw that e.l.f. offered this moisturizer for only $3! It's lightweight formula is great for summer and it has spf 20, which is a must.

Makeup Remover Wipes:
I love this concept. Long gone are the days of rubbing your eyes with a piece of cotton soaked in makeup remover trying desperately to remove stubborn eyeliner and mascara. I normally use Pond's & Nuetrogena for this kind of thing, but e.l.f. offers a good alternative. They are also $3 a pop, so you really can't go wrong.

Eyeshadow brush:
OK, so I'm always floored when I see how expensive makeup brushes are! I mean I can understand the expense for makeup artists, but I'm pretty practical with my makeup application so I don't require anything fancy. Target offers an array of e.l.f. makeup brushes for only $1! Ah-mazing! I grabbed this lil guy and am pleased with the results! C'mon, at $1 each, they're totally worth the try!

Have any great beauty finds? Please share them in the comments below! :)